
324 Movie Reviews

89 w/ Responses

It is a little weird that he had to shoot the deer to get into its body I mean the deer should still be injured after the shot unless death healed the wound so that the guy would have a body to be in. It is an interesting concept but I wouldn't call it reincarnation because I would think that for that to happen he must be reincarnated within a newborn. Now that I think about it maybe it would have been an interesting idea if he had to kill a soon to be mother doe to speed up the birthing progress and he could reincarnate within the body of a new born deer facing the challenge of running from death still as he would have no protection from a mother.

But enough with my random thoughts. I do like the animation even though that it looks kinda minimal because it works with the concept of death. After all there is barely any energy left to keep on moving or getting usted to a new body. I have to say that you were able to capture the beauty of a deer really well!

AGreenSquidKid responds:

Thank you for the feedback! :D

Aw that's just adorable! I'm a little disappointed there is no sound to complement the animation but it is quite alright on it's own.

Because of all the question Marks on the tittle I was expecting something to go wrong and for this to be not so merry. It was a pretty nice video though, there are quite a bit of silliness going on to make it slightly entertaining.

I love this! The plot is very simple but it is likeable. I don't see why the icecream truck is so close to what I thought was an icecream store but maybe it was just a general store that just happens to sale icecream. Either way I'd like to imagine him running half the world to just get some strawberry icecream and the 20 being enough for his troubles lol

At least by the end of the animation the little crab was finally colored. This was the best happy ending I have ever seen!

The father of the century award goes toooooo Goku of course

This is what modern cooking shows look like

I was actually surprised that there was animation, I thought it was gonna be all dialogue again like sure not the best animation but it was entertaining, well not the begging but you get my point.

Those expressions are just hilarious! The characters are so adorable but they just sound so stupid lmao

It is short but it doesn't look bad at all. The atmosphere is slightly chaotic and that's pretty good!

I would like to make an animated series, however I'm broke so it will mostly not have any voice acting but luckily I have an audio guy to help me bring my animations to life ! I'm open to criticism. Do not hold back your words.


Joined on 11/20/19

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