I was expecting this to be a poorly animated story about some guy who accidentally turned into a magic girl but I guess this is fine as well
I was expecting this to be a poorly animated story about some guy who accidentally turned into a magic girl but I guess this is fine as well
Glad you liked it :D Or had some weird feeling between disgust and confusion, that works too xD
Such clean animation and beautiful background.
lol the backgrounds were slapped together using a combination of photoshopping, mixing images, and me drawing over them so that the original images aren't prominent. I actually originally made and planned this with no background, but it looked like shit so I quickly slapped some together.
Thanks for the compliment though!
This is what battles should be like
This looks great and sounds great. Call me immature but I laugh when the moon farted lol. Some other parts of the video were pretty funny as well. You know people tell you to not play ball in the house but this happens when playing outside, I think I'd take my chances inside.
This is some high quality animation in my opinion! It looked really neat and smooth for most of the video. The only time that it seemed a little off to me was when the bird run away from the mysterious creature, the shadow of it simply didn't feel like it fit there correctly. But I got to say, that mail bird was so adorable!
thank you so much! and i appreciate the feedback!
I don't see a lot of things like this so I'm pleasantly surprised.
Thank you so much! It's one of my very first short films, will post alot of animations in the future aswell ^^
Yeah that potential law is quite worrisome. Anyhow smooth animation.
This wip is really detailed and looks absolutely fantastic!
This is pretty nice, walk cycles for 4 legged creatures can be quite difficult but I think this is nicely done.
I would like to make an animated series, however I'm broke so it will mostly not have any voice acting but luckily I have an audio guy to help me bring my animations to life ! I'm open to criticism. Do not hold back your words.
Joined on 11/20/19