
324 Movie Reviews

89 w/ Responses

Haha the blob should have started walking with his mouth open pointing to the sky to eat some apples. Maybe that way damage can be avoided!

I'm placing my bets. This animation is gonna be well received! Personally I thought it was kinda funny, looked pretty good and had decent quality.

This is great! In fact this is one of my favorite games so I'm very glad to see an animated musical about it. Everyone did great! Some better than others of course but all of you together managed to make this a very unique viewing experience. Very adorable, couldn't get enough of all of the different styles.

I like how he Donkey Kong slapped that motherfucker's head into red mush lmfao!

This is really good, I can't believe that it doesn't have a score like 4 stars or close to 5. The animation is really good. It is amazing to see something so fluent and so cartoony these days, the way that their mouths moved while talking was very expensive. The perspective on many of the scenarios were really good, never a boring scene on sight. The voice actually is good enough, I don't think it's awful but it's not great either but it doesn't take away from the enjoyment. I think that the voices fit the characters well, specifically the kangaroo. I'm glad that lengthy content is getting some attention. This is work that lots of time and effort was put into it.

TheJayShow responds:

Thank you for your feedback. Im glad to hear that you enjoyed my work!

Very entertaining and pretty funny too. The narrator did an amazing job and the Salamander had a really fitting voice. Cartoons this long have a hard time gathering the attention of of people but I'm sure that is more would just sit down and watch this, they might find this content very enjoyable. The only flaw I see with this is the animation not being very smooth but that can be forgiven because everything else is spot on! There are many things I would like to say about this but perhaps I should keep it short. It's a great project and many little jokes made me chuckle. Overall a great Halloween special.

GruntVonVeizatun responds:

Thanks!! This was made in 2011 and I was just learning animation at the time so thats why the animation isn't the best, however I'm glad you liked the writing and voicing!

I love it. Reminds me of the things I usted to watch years ago. I adore all of the random things that occurred here, mario becoming a clock was a great start! I didn't expect the minecraft pig at all and laughed when Mario gave up on getting the mushroom.

FramePerfectJump responds:

Yea, I tried to make it sort of random but still make sense.

My husband has green eyes. Can confirm that he can see in the dark. Glad this information is spreading, you are doing humanity a favor.

I started thinking about how Dedede needed to calm down and then he immediately died. I feel a bit bad ngl. But lil kirb is so precious with his POYO!

The dialogue and story really carries the quality of this animation. It is a really funny and absurd short. The Nintendo bit was pretty funny too. I bet they would prefer no one having hands that their games being pirated!

I would like to make an animated series, however I'm broke so it will mostly not have any voice acting but luckily I have an audio guy to help me bring my animations to life ! I'm open to criticism. Do not hold back your words.


Joined on 11/20/19

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