
324 Movie Reviews

89 w/ Responses

Even if you move towns, there is no escaping.

TrohPEE responds:

There is nowhere to hide from the good word, babycakes!

Funny and true in most cases! For some reason I still have a thank you card from years ago. Can't remember when I got it at the moment but probably more than 3 or 4 years ago lol

Lol that was deserved
Also only 30 minutes? Impressive!!!

They have ascended

It wasn't very good at first, but then it was. I like all of the visual comedy! However when you have sleep paralysis you shouldn't be able to move at all so is kinda strange to see him moving. I would have expected him to not move but then a version of him that is more transparent would move, trying to move the solid body but failing and all of the emotions being conveyed by it. Also that sleep paralysis demon is quite acuare actually, I'm sure someone's demon dance in a stupid way like that lol

Since I'm on mobile so I will give a 2.5 as a neutral score. I bet it is quite cool though! I have seen similar stuff on YouTube and is weird but cool.

BrandyBuizel responds:

on mobile you see the unwrapped source video, but i highly recommend checking it out on desktop when you get a chance!

She didn't even used those chopsticks smh but it was actually a pretty cute animation. I just don't think I want to eat it lol

Idk what is it about them looking like pieces of paper but that makes then seem hilarious

Inyuji responds:

it's probably cuz of the cut out feel of 2D in a 3D space. This is me jumping almost blind into Blender to create an animatic.

Haha this is nice! If it were in black and white it could look like an old cartoon and that's pretty cool! You did a good job with the movements indeed!

I can get behind this message!
I saw that it say "a pretty cool show premier" so are you planning on making your own show or is it for something else?

CoolGuyAnubis responds:

I am! Its gonna be a really fun "slice of life" show :) you an get more familiar with its progress on my instagram!

I would like to make an animated series, however I'm broke so it will mostly not have any voice acting but luckily I have an audio guy to help me bring my animations to life ! I'm open to criticism. Do not hold back your words.


Joined on 11/20/19

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