This cat never died, it is indestructible! Long live doodle cat!! The best part of this animation was how unexpectedly smooth that car driving away animation was. Let's give this little fella more cars!!
This cat never died, it is indestructible! Long live doodle cat!! The best part of this animation was how unexpectedly smooth that car driving away animation was. Let's give this little fella more cars!!
FunFact: that took a few minutes to do surprisingly
The sound design is pretty good and like the speech patterns aswell! I was surprised by how smoothly animated this was considering the detailed in the characters. I also think that they all had some pretty good body language and the part where Frankie tried to hide behind the tree was pretty wholesome. It is interesting that you are using a VHS filter but now I am curious how this animation looks without it. Pretty neat!
Thank you so much!! : ) This project was super fun to work on.
Without the VHS effect it just looks like a pixel art animation. The retro vibe just makes me happy, and really wanted to show off these watercolor backgrounds.
I was so ready to say " Jeff didn't deserve that!" But luckily nothing happened and Heff is safe and sound! Now , uh who is gonna bring him back?
Oh did I step on something? Haha
Happy new year indeed! Let's see what horrors may be around the corner together!
Well that was rather aggressive. It seems like our little murderer is happy with himself. Is he still hungry? Will there be more little creatures on the menu? Only time will tell. Very nice gruesome scene!
Kokkinos has a best friend who they refuse to eat, you can bet they will have more kittens or bunnies in the future (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
¿Cuales serán las consecuencias de comer ese pastel?Cuales seran las consecuencias de comer ese pastel? Me pregunto... Hey me gustaria si fuese un poquito mas larga ya que por que es tan cortito no puedo disfrutar mucho de la animacion o su istoria pero se ve muy interesante. ¡Sigue asi!
Hola!, muchas gracias!, próximamente hare animaciones mas largas!
Como soy el único animador por el momento en el proyecto (estoy buscando artistas que hagan fondos y demás) hice lo que estaba a mi alcance, pero disfrute haciendo esto! :3
Puedes verlo con subtítulos en Youtube y puedes ver mas cosas sobre el proyecto en Twitter y aquí!
Hmmm...Creo que Dios se molestara un poco con Arael después de este aceptar un regalo de un demonio, pero lo perdonaría luego.
My favorite part about this was the Wii fit dude, Bowser and Jr. they were all very charming. Nana is not the only one that deserves a gift, Pichu also deserves something haha. This was a pretty lengthy animation so it's understandable that there were some animation shortcuts here and there, some floating pixels and some lines that shouldn't be there but some things could definitely have been just a bit neater. Love everyone's performance with the voice acting! and the flow of plot A and B had some nice transitions and breaks from each other. Honestly great work!
thanks for watching! yeah a lot of the visuals do suffer. Completely agree with you. glad you enjoyed it!
I think Toad needs a little more than just rehab if I'm being honest lol
I can't believe the keeper of radness just died like that. What an impact! Who could have imagined that a story surrounding tetherball could be so awesome? Amazing job on this series! There is so much I want to say about this whole thing it's hard to put into words. The dialogue is incredible, the style is so unique, the music is peak, and your hard work is truly something! I really like this trope of taking the battle inside of someone's mind, it makes the victory so much more shattering to the antagonist! I will say it would be cool to see a little extra. Something like Kal summer going back to the court room for the keepers to talk about the effects that his actions had and to reminisce on the loss of the previous keeper of radness. Overall, this is a pretty nice series, I was very surprised that it was only 5 episodes long but that made it very easy to pick up!
thanks so much for going into reviewing each episode! I am so glad you enjoyed the series ❤ I've got more on the way so don't go anywhere! :)
I would like to make an animated series, however I'm broke so it will mostly not have any voice acting but luckily I have an audio guy to help me bring my animations to life ! I'm open to criticism. Do not hold back your words.
Joined on 11/20/19