I don't have a lot to say about this but I think that this looks quite impressive! I bet it is no easy task to do stop motion like that!
I don't have a lot to say about this but I think that this looks quite impressive! I bet it is no easy task to do stop motion like that!
For what I was doing it wasn't difficult, just super time consuming. Real challenge is going to be figuring out how to get models to walk without falling over. Gravity is a pain in Claymation it seems :/
Amazing content! But I truly wonder what was in that gift... probably more LEGO's haha
Aw man I guess I get no gifts this year
What can I say? Flies don't like being underwater. I bet that car is full of delicious dry flies. How could any froggett resist?
Hey the content itself is okay, but the media used to create this might not be very well received as it looks very low effort and there is not a lot going on. For what is worth, the sound design is really good!
You said things were gonna get sad but they just kinda got creepy and almost uncomfortable lol
"almost uncomfortable" ain't cutting it. Guess I gotta step my game up.
Thanks for the review!
"Who drinks eggs?"
A lot of people who want to gain muscle and those people freak me out a bit
Oh God, this family is too much , pretty realistic haha
I mean, we could hardly call it drinking when it comes to egg. Unless it's blended, but otherwise its just a super slimy goo that you eat quickly without chewing. That's what I'd think of it anyway. Those people are a special brand of bizarre, haha.
I would honestly watch this movie
Oooo he said present that makes sense, at first I thought he said president xD
Dude this is outstanding!! It might not have the exact style of an anime intro but it surely feels like one!!
" Come on get on my shoulders "
That's real friendship right there xD
Wow for a work in progress this is looking extremely badass!!
Thanks, I appreciate it! I'm picking up some things as I'm making it. My favorite part is the knee to the face lol
I would like to make an animated series, however I'm broke so it will mostly not have any voice acting but luckily I have an audio guy to help me bring my animations to life ! I'm open to criticism. Do not hold back your words.
Joined on 11/20/19