
324 Movie Reviews

89 w/ Responses

The change of backgrounds goes very well with the beat but you clearly knew what you were doing. Since the paper isn't exactly in the center most of the time , it gives the viewer the opportunity to admire the background well so that was a pretty good choice. However, even though the paper slides smoothly across the screen I'm not sure what to think of it. I'm not sure if it is a distraction or a way to keep the viewers attention by not being repetitive.

When it comes to the animation, it is pretty neat actually. Sure it is pretty random and I doubt it follows a story or have any deeper meaning but that doesn't make it bad. In fact it can be quite fun seeing this sort of animation because it is almost impossible to predict what is going to happen next. I was surely not expecting the key to act as a light switch at all! I wouldn't change much about your creation but the score could have been higher if it was colored as animation without color can often look unfinished.

charkles responds:

This may be the best criticism ive gotten ever! You summarized it so clearly and I couldn't agree more. Im not confident enough with coloring to do that with the fear of messing up and its paper animation which means no ctrl z but thanks so kuch for the criticism I will definitely take this into account!

The weird part is that I don't remember ever watching Bananas in pajamas BUT I do remember the theme song very well. I may not know what the show was about but I am just gonna pretend that the show was about a banana who wanted to build a family with a bear and failed miserably.

SteakstixAnimations responds:

I don’t remember what it was about, either. But I’m going to absolutely believe that it was about that haha

I'm sure you can do better. Try drawing some more so the animation can have more frames and be smoother. The character design is not ugly and the wings looked quite nice as well but the stiffness of it just ruins it. In a transformation sequence such as this there needs to be movement. You can make the hair and dress flow in the wind ,slowly changing colors or flashing to reveal the final results. I guess that is fine that the wings just kinda appeared but the impact would be much greater if they came out of her body and her body language showed that there are some changes occurring. Keep on animating! You will surely improve.

AnimationsOfArt responds:

Thank you for the critique!!:D I didn't put much effort into this one but I will remake this in the future with your advice!!Have an amazing day!!:)

Looks like you got some nice animation practice. My favorite is the bouncy thing in the end but the first guy walking is the most impressive!

DAyala666 responds:

thanks you, i really enjoyed animating that Lobo walking. glad you liked it .

Who are you, is right lmao

Happy birthday though!

It was better than expected. The animation is quite stiff but that's understandable when you are drawing so much detail. If you are trying to practice animating I suggest animating with designs that are more simplistic. I believe that you did all of those extra details to mimic an exaggerated anime style but I don't think the style is quite there yet. Maybe you could practice drawing detail and stuff like that separate from animation and then after you have improved you could try and mix your animations skills with your drawing skills. Anyhow you don't need to explain yourself before the video, to me it seems like saying stuff like that is more fitting for the description.

Those backgrounds are quite beautiful, in the way that it actually help set up the atmosphere. The music also fits quite perfectly with the scenes. Sure, there were a few sounds that I wasn't expecting but that interruption is what made it somewhat funny , but it is a little disposing that the faces are incapable of showing ridiculous reactions.

When I saw one of your videos for the first time I remember being amazed and I hoped that it would get daily first. It didn't but seeing this being featured, even if in 4th place makes me really happy.

X-RL7 responds:

Y'know I didn't even know this video got 4th place until reading your comment! Thank you for the support and kind words, it's much appreciated - you are awesome :)

It looks pretty good! I would have never guessed this was your first 2d animated short!!

I want to see more of this!
But this "soon"...is it soon as in a year or 2 or sooner ??

vanamation responds:

Thanks so much, I'm glad to hear it! "Soon" as in, as soon as possible, haha! (Hopefully within a year... fingers crossed!)

I would like to make an animated series, however I'm broke so it will mostly not have any voice acting but luckily I have an audio guy to help me bring my animations to life ! I'm open to criticism. Do not hold back your words.


Joined on 11/20/19

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5.56 votes
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Art Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
10m 20d