
324 Movie Reviews

89 w/ Responses

Oh my God when he said reach for the stars I imagine the guy's arms actually reaching space but I didn't expect it to actually happen. I'm not sure if it was simply funny or if I found it funny because of the weird coincidence lol

Loving the cartoony style and wonderful voice acting. You guys are full of amazing skills!!

TheMurphness responds:

Ha! Thanks so much for watching!

When it comes to quality in the visuals, it is a little weird. In the beginning there was this beautiful background but then this tree branch or palm tree just looked so horrible. Perhaps it needed black outlines to fit better. Most of it looks alright for what it is but the animation could use some more work as the people move in an awkward way.

The visuals we're always entertaining. There was never a moment that seemed boring to me, but perhaps the audio help it a lot. I guess some would say that the audio was over done but I had no problem with it. Either way that story was bizarre enough that it simply caught my attention. I found the idea of little squares transforming people into other squares quite amusing.

Hey this is quite alright but perhaps you should change the rating to "T" instead of "E" as drugs are mentioned here.

Either way I really like the premise of the animation. I wasn't expecting a whole painting to just come out of his coat like that. I should probably try that next time I try to sell my paintings and see how it goes. It is not easy to sell art but I have never encountered someone who just tell me straight up they want drugs but yeah seems legit enough. It's either drugs or porn, so good for him for not choosing to paint porn.

GuyDimet responds:

That's funny, though I have done that, trying to sell porn comics 😔... Thanks for the comment I really appreciate it.

Did he went whale hunting? Because that guy sure sounded like one after getting harpooned.

How weird...it looks like some sort of crazy mobile game app advertisement.

ShotOne responds:

We're just trying to setup a world and the characters in the game. Hope to have a cool story mode. Fingers crossed.

Makes me wonder how they were capable of destroying the other castle lol

That's fucked up. But still funny. I like to imagine that man was a scarecrow and that he killed the girl and the woman for no reason lmao

DwangerAnimations responds:

Agreed its very dark! (not sure if you read the sign on the building at the end scene?) Thanks for watching :)

He doesn't have a whole fox for a face. Who are you trying to fool?

Weird stuff, I like it! Is one of those things that are nightmare fuel that I didn't know I wanted until I stumbled upon this.

JunkYardAnimations responds:

I misread that as white fox face at first and realized he's missing white spots too!! clearly, I can't fool you Good Sir Great Ma'am

Que tipo más torpe. No sabe como entrar en la cabaña sin chocar con la puerta.

Bueno vamos a ver... los personajes están bien diseñados y la animación está bien pero la animación de cuando están corriendo fue reutilizada demasiado. Pero bueno lo demás está bien.

Yeah, it was kinda funny lol
It doesn't have the best quality but it is good for what it is

I would like to make an animated series, however I'm broke so it will mostly not have any voice acting but luckily I have an audio guy to help me bring my animations to life ! I'm open to criticism. Do not hold back your words.


Joined on 11/20/19

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