
89 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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I absolutely adore the character designs and settings! I have never been a person who reads fast so for me is difficult to keep up at the same phase that the story is. Some voice acting would have been nice but then again since they are aliens it is a nice touch to not be able to understand them.

pollyanoid responds:

i'll be honest, the speech is not something i'm super happy with, and in the late editing stages of the project, i wished i had lengthened the time text was on screen. in future episodes, i'll try to improve on that. thank you!

This is perfect for people with broken humor 👌

AtreyuGilbert responds:

slow pc

stevetherapper responds:

Well guess what, I’m one who has broken humor, and the fact that that’s why you rated only 1 star out of 5 offends me.

beenibroh responds:

thats the point

Ant responds:

Also a perfect movie to unearth reached millennial scums with no modern humor like you to feast off of. >;]

Is nice to see people using flipaclip for things other than animation memes

Gandarga responds:

Thank you. ^^ As far as I know, the "FlipaClip Masters" animated memes.

Es una buena idea pero se mueven muy lento

MonstersoftheWorld responds:

Si en eso trabajo la segunda temporada si la voy a perfeccionar mas

Don't get me wrong, I love this! I just tend to not give high scores to short movies that are basically gifs. Just know that the work on this is phenomenal!!!

aleha84 responds:

no problem, it was my first post here, and i didnt know all rules. I should post this in art instead, but there is only gifs acceptable.

This is what NG is all about. If this doesn't get a lot of attention NG is dead! Amazing work!!!

Ninten1 responds:

Thank you so much!!!

God this is disturbing

RobbieRom responds:

Body horror indeed

Billy deserves what's coming to him

Sohlaroids responds:

Damn right. haha

Someone needs to make this a full length movie!

Also I love the part where he says that kid was already dead xD

Sohlaroids responds:

Thank you very much! Working on putting more of these out! Uploading new ones in the next few days. Keep an eye out! Thanks for watching :)

I would like to make an animated series, however I'm broke so it will mostly not have any voice acting but luckily I have an audio guy to help me bring my animations to life ! I'm open to criticism. Do not hold back your words.


Joined on 11/20/19

Exp Points:
1,887 / 2,180
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.56 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
10m 20d